JV 72" Vertical Baler
Model: VB-72B
Mfg: 2013
10 HP / 460 Volt
6" Cylinder (New)
Parts Only Warranty
$8570.00 (Loaded on your truck)
PTR 30 Yard Self-Contained Compactor
Model: PT300
Good Power unit
Came out running
Loaded on your truck
More sizes available and IN STOCK !! used trash compactors used balers
Marathon VIP
8 Yard
208 volt
Mfg: 2014
Rear Feed
Good condition
Ready to work
$3,890.US (Loaded on your truck) other sizes available
JV Manufacturing
Model: VB-42-SR
Serial: VB03492-01
DOM: 2008
42” Vertical Baler
$3,750 (loaded on your truck)
Balemaster Model EO-1760 (Built in 2005)
30 HP
8” Cylinder
60” L x 45.5” W Feed Chute
48” W x 40” H Bale
(Loaded on your truck) other makes and models available
PTR 60" Vertical Baler
Model: 2300-HD
Mfg: 2006
10 HP / 460volt
6" Cylinder
2008 Stealth Closed Door Baler
20 HP Motor
6” Cylinder
Ram Force: 67,900 lbs.
60” x 48” Feed Opening
Will make up to a 1,400 lb. OCC Bale
460 Volt; 3 Phase
Lower Photocell for Auto Cycle
Equipped with Conveyor Control Switch if you wanted to add a conveyor
Runs great
$24,500.US Loaded on your truck other makes and models available
Model: M42BC
Serial: 421962BC
DOM: Early 2000’s
42” Vertical Baler
$3,750 (loaded on your truck)
RUNI Screw Compactor for EPS
Model: SK240
Make: 09-50036
Mfg: 2017
Power Supply: 60 Hz / 46 Volt; 3 Phase
Capacity: 165 lbs/hour
Low Hours: 576 hrs.
50:1 Ratio
Dealer said: Very good condition
$36,900.00 (Loaded on your truck)
V 72" Deep Chamber Vertical Baler
Model: VB-72-HDC
Mfg: 2011
15 HP
7" Cylinder / 52" Stroke
Bale: 72" x 42" x 48"
$8900.00 (Loaded on your truck)
$7500.US EACH
Loaded on your truck
SOLD more models in stock
Similar models available
PTR 4 Yard Stationary Compactor
Model: TP-4000HD-AR
DOM: 2006
20 HP Power Unit
6” Cylinder
60 x 68 Clear Top
1/2" AR Floor / 3/8” Side Walls
Good Power Unit
Loaded on your truck & more available new or rebuilt!!
PTR 60" Vertical Baler
Model: 3400-HD
Mfg: 2000
10 HP / 460volt
6" Cylinder
BACE 60" Vertical Baler
Model: V-63HD
Mfg: 2012
6" Cylinder
Loaded on your truck
16003 East, State Rd 64 , Bradenton, Florida, 34212
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